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Katina Chalupová
Katka je maminka 18 leté dcery a tetou tří neteří. Je vystudovaná angličtinářka s mnohaletými zkušenostmi s výukou angličtiny. Má za sebou studium dramatické výchovy. Učí lektory angličtiny, jak seznamovat malé děti s angličtinou a společně s týmem House of English tvoří výukové anglické materiály. Je dlouholetou ředitelkou jazykové školy.

Adéla Vejvodová
Adéla je zkušená, kvalifikovaná lektorka angličtiny. Má ráda angličtinu, děti, zvířata (hlavně svého psa), cestování a jídlo! Vše propojuje na svých hodinách a dětem se nechce z hodin domů. Specializuje se na děti předškolního věku. Její práce je zároveň jejím koníčkem. Učí lektory angličtiny, jak seznamovat malé děti s angličtinou a společně s týmem House of English tvoří výukové anglické materiály. V jazykové škole působí jako zástupkyně ředitelky. V současné době je na mateřské dovolené, ale ve vedení školy působí i nadále.

Věra Pohlová
Věra je maminka 2 synů - 4 a 12 let. Vystudovala anglický jazyk a výtvarnou výchovu a má dlouholetou praxi ve vzdělávání dospělých. Zaměřuje se na mluvený projev, ale i přípravu k mezinárodním zkouškám a business English. Učení je jejím koníčkem a ráda do hodin vnáší zábavu a dobrou pohodu.

Hello there! I‘m Bára and I’m one of the teachers at House of English. I really enjoy learning foreign languages like English, German or Japanese, hence why I decided to teach them. I like wearing colourful socks with silly pictures on them, like fruits or animals. I love animals and taking long walks in nature. I can’t wait to meet you and get to know you all! See you soon!

Jana je maminka dvou chlapců, kteří jí zabírají většinu jejího volného času. Jana ráda běhá a jezdí na kole. Angličtinu učí již od vysokoškolských studií a provází jí celým jejím životem. Učí ráda, proto, že vidí téměř okamžitě výsledky své práce a cítí, že to, co dělá, má smysl.

My name is Andrés and I'm 26 years old. I'm originally from Venezuela and I've been living in between Washington state, the U.S and Europe since autumn 2021. I spent most of 2022 in France and the Czech Republic, where I'm currently studying :). This year, I joined the team of teachers at House of English, where I teach English, French and Spanish! A fun fact about me is that I speak 4 languages! - That makes me a bit of a language nerd. I also love interculturality, photography, music, literature, and coffee!
In my classes you can expect to do mostly cultural and communicative activities, filled with music and games, too!
See you soon!

Hi there! My name is Lara. I moved to the Czech Republic around 3 years ago to pursue my love for Medicine. I discovered my love for reading when I was around 11 years old.
Back then, you would never catch me without a book in my hands. Ever since then, my love for English has grown day by day, I was even hoping to become a journalist one day! That was why I was more than excited to work in House of English as it allowed me to practice both of my passions freely (not to mention the love I have for meeting new people, which I was able to do working as well). I love nature and the outdoors, I go on walks whenever possible. I enjoy baking, listening to music and hanging out with my friends! I would love to get to know the students more, so feel free to speak to me if you ever see me hanging around at House of English, it would be a pleasure :)

Hello! I am Lameha, I am a relatively new teacher who joined the school last year in January. I am from Pakistan but I have been raised in Dubai and have lived there my whole life, I moved to the Czech republic 2 years ago to pursue my education in Medicine for which over the years I have grown quite a passion towards. In my free time besides trying to catch up on my studies I like to express myself in Fashion and Makeup. I have always enjoyed public speaking and meeting and conversing with new people, so it turned out this job is perfect for me considering I get to know and talk to new people while teaching and helping them perfect their english conversation.

Hello! My name is Shruti. Before moving to the Czech republic to pursue my degree in Medicine, I used to live in the UAE and India. Throughout my life, I have been exposed to lots of different cultures and nationalities and if there is one thing that brings us all together: it is the English language!; which is why it gives me great joy to teach English to my students so they can also unravel the opportunity to connect with different people from around the world. Out of my busy schedule of studying, I love making time to work out, cook, crochet, spend time with my friends and cuddle with my cat :)

Hi everyone! My name´s Klara and I´m lucky to be one of the teachers at House of English. I always do my best to create a friendly and safe space in my lessons so the students aren´t afraid to speak in English. Keep in your mind that there´s no such thing as a stupid question. Fun and jokes in the class are also included. :). I spend most of my leisure time playing with my daughter but besides that I can´t live without reading novels and listening to various podcasts. I absolutely love travelling – some of the countries I have visited include Iceland, the UK, France, Spain, Turkey or Croatia. I´d love to visit the USA and Asia in the future.
PS: I also love food and unicorns

Anna je studentkou magisterského oboru speciální pedagogiky a angličtiny na Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci. Jeden z jejích žáčků nedávno správně uhodl, že jejím koníčkem je angličtina. Dále ráda poslouchá hudbu snad všech chutí, cestuje po světě, baví ji poznávat ostatní kultury a další cizí jazyky. Nesmírně ji těší, když vidí, že její žáky učení baví. Chtěla by jim předat nadšení, aby sami chtěli poznávat svět a učit se. Během praxí, táborů a několika let působení v House of English měla možnost nabrat mnoho zkušeností s dětmi různého věku. Svým žákům nabízí angličtinu z různých pohledů, dovednosti a znalosti by měly jít ruku v ruce, ale důležité je najít si k danému předmětu vztah, a to platí nejen o angličtině.

Hello! My name’s Olga, I’m 25 years old and I’ve just graduated with a master’s degree from Comenius University in Bratislava. Before that, I studied in Brno. My field of study is Japanese, but my first second language was English and it’s still near and dear to my heart. I’d like to share my passion with my students and teach them to love English as much as I do. Aside from teaching English, I enjoy knitting, crocheting and cooking.

Arit is a medical student originally from Nigeria. She has loved living in the Czech Republic and interacting with so many people of so many different cultures and she also really enjoys playing tennis and cuddling her dog. Arit is very fond of children so she practically jumped at the opportunity to teach little children English. Arit says about teaching: "It’s amazing to see the light in the kids’ eyes when it’s time for a project or a craft. Connecting with them and enriching their minds have been amazing. It’s so refreshing each week to see them come in with so much enthusiasm. I look forward to seeing them succeed."

I am Asmaa Ragab, a master’s student and researcher at UHK. I am an Early Intervention and special education specialist (people with special needs), my specialization and job are my whole life. I love nature, traveling, riding horses and learning different languages. I speak English, Arabic, Italian, Turkish, Korean, sign language for the Deaf, and Braille for the Blind, and I am currently learning German as well.